Monday, April 29, 2013

Welcome Back!!!

This has been our first attempt at starting school back since the baby brother has been born.  I wasn't sure how things were going to go, but in a way having a baby brother has been a blessing in disguise.  Jordan is exerting himself more and trying to do things more on his own (especially when I have to feed the baby and he knows mom can't help).  This should really help when we officially start kindergarten in the fall, especially since I was hoping to institute more learning centers for independent time, so I'm very excited it's falling into place! :)

What we are learning...
Letter: Aa
Colors: Red, Yellow, Green
Shape: Rectangle
Number: 4
Bible Story: Adam and Eve
Vocabulary Word: apple
Sight Word: away
Verse: "A soft answer turns away wrath." Proverbs 15:1

Practicing numbers 1-20.
He can count it forwards and backwards now.

Working on the correct formation of writing the letter A.

This was an activity that required you to follow directions.
He colored the triangle yellow.
Put blue stripes on the square.
Colored the star green and orange.
Put black dots on the circle.

Reading to mommy and his brother.

Practice finding the word "away" in a book.

Worship Time!!!
Learning the song "All in All"

We have more to cover, but for just a day back into school, I think we did awesome!!! The baby even had fun watching his brother.

Have Fun and Be a Blessing!

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