Monday, October 15, 2012

Friday Family Night: The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

We decided to make a family night at our house, where we do something special together.  Since my son has been questioning all about Halloween and trying to understand witches, ghosts, and other things he has seen out and about, we decided to let him watch "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and discuss with him about Halloween... being things that are real and not real.

I was unable to rent the movie, as the rental store hasn't had their copy returned to them in over 2 years, so I ran to Walmart and picked up a copy for $5.

This movie does help teach many things and actually helped my son understand what is real and not real.  As Linus sat waiting in a pumpkin patch for this so-called Great Pumpkin to appear with goodies, while all the others went tricks or treating, dressed in costumes and had fun at a party... Linus kept waiting and waiting... only to be disappointed.  But what was amazing is that Linus is a complete picture of those people who still want to believe in something that isn't real, for in the end, he kept his hope up that next year the Great Pumpkin would appear...

We talked with our son about the movie and asked him the following questions:

  • Was the Great Pumpkin real?
  • Do you think the witches and ghosts that you see in stores are real?
  • Who is the Only Giver of Good Things? Is God real?
He liked the movie, more for Lucy and her tricks she played on Charlie Brown, but he did grasp the concept of the movie after we talked with him about it.

While we had our discussion we made a cake in a pumpkin shape, got the idea from Pinterest...

We did use a bundt pan and sealed 2 cakes together in the middle, only we covered the entire cake in orange frosting.  And we used an ice cream cone for the stem of the pumpkin.  It was VERY yummy!!! :)

Have Fun and Be a Blessing!

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