Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 2 PreK: Math, Literacy, Art Centers

Shape Center Activity
I drew circles with white crayon and white paper
and gave him watercolor paints to find the shapes.

Art Center Activity
Set out 6 pumpkin shapes with the letters to trace for his name.
Then had him glue popsicle sticks to the paper as a fence and 
he glued the pumpkins on the gate.

When he was done, I had him tell me what each pumpkin was saying,
so he made his own "6 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate" story.

Writing Center Activity
This is daily work, but this shows the completion for the month of October.
He writes the date number for each day and locates the star number below to color.

Sight Word Center Activity
We review these 6 sight words daily (for this unit).
I put them in a center for him to flip them over and read the word.

Art Center Activity
I set out q-tips, paint on a plate, construction paper with a tree drawn on it.
He colored the tree shape brown and went to town with the q-tips and paint.
Didn't even have to tell him what to do, lol.

Math Center Activity
I gave him the worksheet, he knew what to do.
He used his scissors to cut out the different pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns.
Then he placed the correct pieces in the boxes and glued them.

Math/Writing Center Activity
This is part of his shape journal.
He traced the circle, colored it, and sang the Circle song.

Math Center Activity
I laid out the ice cream cone and told him to find the scoops of ice cream.
Once he found them all, he practiced lining up the scoops in numerical order
forwards and backwards.

Writing Center Activity
Practicing the number 1.
He recited the number 1 poem
and then completed his journaling.
We did this every day.

Art Center Activity
I had him lay down and I traced his body shape.
Gave him watercolor paint and a paint brush,
he was busy for about 45 minutes!

Math Center Activity
Taped circle cardstock shapes under a piece of a paper.
Gave him a crayon box and he did a rubbing to find the shapes.

Have fun and Be a blessing to your Tot!

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